2014-05-31 12.49.17
We have a new gate in our field. The company that installed it (James Smith Fencing) were so quick and efficient that we didn’t even spot them doing it! We just noticed it in all its gleaming galvanized loveliness while we were in the field on Saturday morning. Iris and Arthur have reported that it is good to climb and feels nice and sturdy. The next job is to rebuild the drystone wall where it was widened for the gate to go in.

The old gate was rusted, had broken hinges and was attached to rotten fence posts. We also wanted to make a wider opening so that it is easier to get trailers and machinery in and out of the field. The medium-term plan is to have pigs in the field to start digging out the bracken. We’ll move the pigs around over time and plant trees as they clear each bit of land. So now we have the gate we need to look into electric fencing, a pig ark and getting some weaners. We will use the old gate as a support for climbing plants at the back of our long border in the garden and the fence posts will probably end up as firewood.

2014-05-31 12.49.08